Peer-Review Conferences
Tyler Albarran, Camilla May, Kinsey Herrin, Jennifer Leestma, Taryn Harvey, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, Chris Rozell, Sanakar Alagapan, “Anterior cingulate dynamics during effortful walking in humans,” Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, 2024.
Kinsey Herrin, Carlos Carrasquillo, Sixu Zhou, Lee Childers, Aaron Young, “A Clinical Decision Equation for the Personalized Prescription of Prosthetic Microprocessor Knees,” American Orthotists and Prosthetists Association National Assembly, Charlotte, NC, 2024
Sixu (Jason) Zhou, Sujay Kestur, Jairo Maldonado, Nicholas Fey, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Comparing the Lower Limb Joint Biomechanics of Powered and Passive Prostheses during Ramp and Stair Ambulation,” Military Health Science Research Symposium. Kissimmee, FL, 2024.
Ross Neuman, Jairo Maldonado, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, Nicholas Fey, “Methods for Enabling Real-Time Human-in-the-Loop Optimization of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis,” Military Health Science Research Symposium. Kissimmee, FL, 2024.
Carlos Carrasquillo, Kinsey Herrin, Sixu (Jason) Zhou, Lee Childers, Aaron Young, “Toward data driven prescription personalization of microprocessor prosthetic knees,” Military Health Science Research Symposium. Kissimmee, FL, 2024.
Aaron Young and Dean Molinaro, “Data-Driven Deep Learning of Human Biology Enables Personalized Generalization of Control for Wearable Robotics,” American Society for Biomechanics (ASB), Madison, WI, 2024.
Keya Ghonasgi, Aaron Young, “Quantifying Personalized Internal Rewards during Exoskeleton-Assisted Walking Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning,” American Society for Biomechanics (ASB), Madison, WI, 2024.
Taryn Harvey, Jennifer Leestma, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Comparing Real vs. Simulated Linear Acceleration IMU Data during Steady-State Walking,” American Society for Biomechanics (ASB), Madison, WI, 2024.
Dongho Park, Taryn Harvey, Yash Mhaskar, Keya Ghonasgi, Ryan Casey, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Enabling Device-Agnostic Physiological State Estimation for Exoskeletons through Body-Mounted Sensor Suites,” American Society for Biomechanics (ASB), Madison, WI, 2024.
Vibha Iyer, Jennifer Leestma, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “Investigating the Role of Hip Joint Moments in Modulating Mediolateral Step Placement during Perturbed Walking,” American Society for Biomechanics (ASB), Madison, WI, 2024.
Jennifer Leestma, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Ahead of its Time: Data0Driven Approaches enable Artificially-Fast Bio-Inspired Hip Exoskeleton Control for Balance Augmentation during Locomotion,” American Society for Biomechanics (ASB), Madison, WI, 2024.
Jennifer Leestma, Ryan Emadi, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Two Feet, One Force Plate: A Novel Machine Learning Approach Solves for Bilateral Ground Reaction Forces on a Single Force Plate,” American Society for Biomechanics (ASB), Madison, WI, 2024.
Kinsey Herrin, Gwyn O’Sullivan, Aaron Young, “The Role of Experience in the Functional and Patient Reported Success of Users in Powered Knee Prosthetic Technology,” accepted for presentation at the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Conference (GCMAS), Atlanta, GA, 2024.
Siddharth Nathella, Dawit Lee, Aaron Young, Lena Ting, “Improvement in Motor Control Complexity during Exoskeleton Gait Training in Pediatric Patients,” accepted for presentation at the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Conference (GCMAS), Atlanta, GA, 2024.
Tara Kimiavi, Siddharth Nathella, Aaron Young, Kinsey Herrin, “Facilitating Gait Training using Knee Exoskeleton Assistance and a Biofeedback System in Two Subjects with Crouch Gait,” accepted for presentation at the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Conference (GCMAS), Atlanta, GA, 2024.
Cole Johnson, Jairo Maldonado-Contreras, Aaron Young, “Accelerating Constrained Continual Learning with Dynamic Active Learning: A Study in Adaptive Speed Estimation for Lower-Limb Prostheses,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), Atlanta, GA, 2024.
Nicholas Jansen, Will Ruark, Rachel Sanders, Aaron Young, Kinsey Herrin, “Patient reported outcomes associated with the Power Knee among experienced and inexperienced users: the significance of sounds,” American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, Chicago, IL, 2024.
Chase Ruarks, Adesua Ojeifoh, Emily Upton, Aaron Young, Kinsey Herrin, “Dual-Task Paradigms in Post-Stroke Individuals Using a Smart Hip Exoskeleton,” Georgia Society of Orthotists and Prosthetists. Alpharetta, GA, 2023.
Aaron Young, Jairo Maldonado, Krishan Bhakta, Kinsey Herrin, “Advances in AI Techniques for Recognizing User Intents such as Walking Speed for Robotic Lower Limb Prostheses,” Military Health System Research Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2023.
Kinsey Herrin, Sujay Kestur, Jason Zhou, Aaron Young, “Prescribing Based on the Individual: A Study Investigating Individual Trends Among Three Commercially Available MPKs,” Military Health System Research Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2023.
Aaron Young, Krishan Bhakta, Inseung Kang, “AI Systems for Improving Biomechanics of the Mobility Impaired with Wearable Robots,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Jairo Maldonado-Contreras, Aaron Young, “User-adaptive Walking Speed Estimation for Scaling Prosthetic Assistance,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Felicia Davenport, Jennifer Leestma, Christoph Nuesslein, Joshua Fernandez, Raymond Kim, Ryan Casey, Jason Wheeler, Anirban Mazumdar, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “Offsetting the load: Can exoskeletons mitigate injury risk during industrial lifting tasks?” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Siddharth Nathella, Dawit Lee, Aaron Young, Lena Ting, “How does Muscle Synergy Recruitment Change after Knee Exoskeleton Gait Training?” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Christoph Nuesslein, Aaron Young, “Deep Learning-Based Control of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Ethan Schonhaut, Dean Molinaro, Keaton Scherpereel, Aaron Young, “EMG Informed Musculoskeletal Modelling and Deep Learning to Estimate Muscle Moment,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Carlos Carrasquillo, Aakash Bajpai, Divya Iyengar, Killian Collins, Aaron Young, Anirban Mazumdar, “Enhancing Human Navigation Ability using an Active Wearable Exoskeleton,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Sixu (Jason) Zhou, Sujay Kestur, Aaron Young, Kinsey Herrin, “Integrated Whole-Body Angular Momentum during Narrowing Beam Walking Test using Passive and Powered Knee Prostheses,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Po Chuan Chen, Benjamin Shafer, Wei-Lin Du, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “Which Hip model Best Predicts Biological Torques across Locomotion Modes? A Simulation Study,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023
Jenny Leestma, Vibha Iyer, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki,”Hop, Skip and a Jump: Investigating Why People Jump in Response to Walking Perturbations,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023
Jenny Leestma, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Does the Relationship Between Whole-Body Angular Momentum and Step Placement Change in Individuals Post-Stroke?” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Kinsey Herrin, Sujay Kestur, Sixu (Jason) Zhou, Aaron Young, “Biomechanical Outcomes Associated with 3 Commercially Available Microprocessor Knees during Level Ground and Stair Ascent Walking Tasks,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Sixu (Jason) Zhou, Sujay Kestur, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Opensim Model for Biomechanical Analysis with Open-Source Leg,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023
Ben Shafer, Kiandra Peart, Richard So, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “Do Humans Use Muscle Activation or Energy Cost to Select Walking Speed? What We can Learn from Ankle Exoskeleton Interventions,” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Dawit Lee, Inseung Kang, Geza Kogler, Frank Hammond, Aaron Young, “User and Environmental Context Adaptive Knee Exoskeleton Assistance using Electromyography,” IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), Atlanta, GA, 2023.
Cole Johnson, Jeongwoo Cho, Saketh Chaluvadi, Jairo Maldonado-Contreras, Aaron Young, “Adaptive Lower-Limb Prosthetic Control: Towards Subject-Dependent Intent Recognition & Context Estimation,” IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), Atlanta, GA, 2023.
Chase Ruarks, Adesua Ojeifoh, Emily Upton, Aaron Young, Kinsey Herrin, “Dual-Task Paradigms in Post-Stroke Individuals using a Smart Hip Exoskeleton,” 49th Meeting of the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists, Nashville, TN, 2023.
Dean Molinaro, Ethan Park, Aaron Young, “Anticipation and Delayed Estimation of Human Hip Moments using Deep Learning and a Robotic Hip Exoskeleton,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, London, England, 2023.
Kinsey Herrin, Emily Upton, Dean Molinaro, Chase Ruarks, Adesua Ojeifoh, Aaron Young, “Enabling Meaningful Community Ambulation in Stroke Survivors through Use of a Smart Hip Exoskeleton,” 49th Meeting of the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists. Nashville, TN, 2023.
Kinsey Herrin, Dawit Lee, Sierra Mulrine, Aaron Young, “Varying spatiotemporal responses are seen alongside kinematic improvement during knee exoskeleton use in children with crouch gait: What makes a child respond positively in all areas?” American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) National Assembly, San Antonio, TX, 2022.
Kinsey Herrin, Jason Zhou, Lee Childers, Aaron Young, “Towards a Clinical Decision Algorithm for Prescribing MPKs in Individuals with Above Knee Amputation.” American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) National Assembly, San Antonio, TX, 2022.
Ben Shafer, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “Overground Optimization of Ankle Exoskeleton Assistance for Self-Selected Walking Speed,” North American Conference on Biomechanics (NACOB), Ottawa, CA, 2022.
Jennifer Leestma, Courtney Smith, Pawel Golyski, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “The Utility of Stability: Whole Body Angular Momentum Informs Step Placement during Perturbed Walking.”North American Conference on Biomechanics (NACOB), Ottawa, CA, 2022.
Felicia Davenport, Jennifer Leestma, Adriana Staten, Krishan Bhakta, Joshua Fernandez, Anirban Mazumdar, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “Joint-Level Biomechanics of High-Intensity Industrial Tasks to Inform Exoskeleton Mitigation Strategies,” North American Conference on Biomechanics (NACOB), Ottawa, CA, 2022.
Courtney Smith, Jennifer Leestma, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “A Machine Learning Approach for Determining Whole Body Angular Momentum from Wearable Sensors,” North American Conference on Biomechanics (NACOB), Ottawa, CA, 2022.
Dawit Lee, Alexander Yu, Aaron Young, “User, Slope, and Mode-Independent Gait Phase Estimator for Robotic Knee Exoskeleton using CNN,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) workshop on Online Machine Learning-Based Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons, Philadelphia, PA, 2022.
Aakash Bajpai, Ani Mazumdar, Aaron Young, “Leveraging Extreme Gradient Boosting to Investigate Sensor Selection and Identify Dynamic Human Motions,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) workshop on Online Machine Learning-Based Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons, Philadelphia, PA, 2022.
Dean Molinaro, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, “CNN-Based Hip Moment Estimates for Hip Exoskeleton Control,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) workshop on Online Machine Learning-Based Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons, Philadelphia, PA, 2022.
Max Shepherd, Dean Molinaro, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Online Machine Learning Control of Ankle Exoskeletons,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) workshop on Online Machine Learning-Based Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons, Philadelphia, PA, 2022.
Joshua Fernandez, Krishan Bhakta, Aaron Young, Ani Mazumdar, “Predicting Lumbar Bio-Torque During Lifting for Bio-Feedback,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) workshop on Online Machine Learning-Based Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons, Philadelphia, PA, 2022.
Jonathan Camargo, Krishan Bhakta, Jairo Maldonado-Contreras, Sixu Zhou, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “OpenSim Model for Biomechanical Analysis with the Open-Source,” IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), Atlanta, GA, 2022.
Hang Man Cho, Inseung Kang, Dongho Park, Dean Molinaro, Aaron Young, “Real-Time Walk Detection for Robotic Hip Exoskeleton Applications,” IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), Atlanta, GA, 2022.
Heejoo Jin, Inseung Kang, Gayeon Choi, Dean Molinaro, Aaron Young, “Wearable Sensor-Based Step Length Estimation During Overground Locomotion Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network,” 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2021.
Gayeon Choi, Dawit Lee, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, “Effect of Assistance Timing in Knee Extensor Muscle Activation during Sit-to-Stand Using a Bilateral Robotic Knee Exoskeleton,” 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2021.
Jennifer Leestma, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Perturbation direction reverses the effect of timing on peak center of mass speed,” American Society of Biomechanics, Virtual Conference, 2021.
Jennifer Leestma, Courtney Smith, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Effects of perturbation timing on step predictability using a linear model,” Dynamic Walking, 2021.
Kinsey Herrin, Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Aaron Young, “Comparison of Patient Reported Outcomes Following Use of a Powered Knee Ankle Prosthesis and Clinically Prescribed Passive Prosthesis on Variable Terrains,” accepted for podium presentation at 47th Meeting of the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists, New Orleans, LA, 2021.
Dean Molinaro, Inseung Kang, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Aaron Young, “Biological Hip Torque Estimation using a Robotic Hip Exoskeleton,” IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, New York, NY, 2020.
Inseung Kang, Dean Molinaro, Gayeon Choi, Aaron Young, “Continuous locomotion mode classification using a robotic hip exoskeleton,” IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, New York, NY, 2020. (Video)
Jairo Maldonado-Contreras, Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Aaron Young, “User- and Speed-Independent Slope Estimation for Lower-Extremity Wearable Devices,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Wendy Nevarez-Sanchez, Benjamin Shafer, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “Can EMG accurately predict metabolically optimal step frequency?,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Jennifer Leestma, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Spatiotemporal recovery responses used to combat translational platform perturbations during walking,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Keaton Scherpereel, Nick Bolus, Hyeon Ki Jeong, Omer Inan, Aaron Young, “Estimating Knee Joint Load with Joint Acoustic Emissions During Walking,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Dean Molinaro, Inseung Kang, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Aaron Young, “Estimating Biological Hip Torque During Overground Ambulation: A Machine Learning Approach,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Inseung Kang, Dean Molinaro, Gayeon Choi, Aaron Young, “A biomechanical analysis of adaptive assistance strategy for uphill walking using a powered hip exoskeleton,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, William Compton, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Restoring Functional Gait of Individuals with Transfemoral Amputation using a Powered Prosthesis,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Jonathan Camargo, Aditya Ramanathan, Will Flanagan, Aaron Young, “An opensource biomechanics dataset for locomotion in stairs, ramps and level-ground,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Jared Li, Dean Molinaro, Andrew King, Ani Mazumdar, Aaron Young, “Reduction of Trunk Extensor Muscle Activation using a Cable-Driven Asymmetric Back Exosuit,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Pooja Moolchandani, Ani Mazumdar, Aaron Young, “Escape Motions for Real-World Scenarios: A Kinematic and Kinetic Investigation of Rapid, Dynamic Movements,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Aakash Bajpai, Ani Mazumdar, Aaron Young, “Human Reaction and Movement Enhancement via Audial, Tactile, and Visual Perceptual Cues,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020. (Presentation)
Amy Pan, Inseung Kang, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “The Biomechanical Effect of Bilateral Assistance for Hemiparetic Gait Poststroke Using a Powered Hip Exoskeleton,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Dawit Lee, Bailey McLain, Aaron Young, “Reducing Human Energetics Using a Bilateral Knee Exoskeleton,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Bailey McLain, Dawit Lee, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, “EMG-Informed Neuromusculoskeletal Model for Knee Joint Load Estimation with a Powered Knee Exoskeleton,” American Society for Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Ben Shafer, Lena Ting, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “EMG-driven Neuromuscular Model for Hip Exoskeleton Control Can Adapt Across Simulated Walking Modes,” Dynamics Walking, Hawley, PA, 2020.
Jennifer Leestma, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Inducing locomotion commotion using translation perturbations,” Dynamics Walking, Hawley, PA, 2020.
Aditya Ramanathan, Jonathan Camargo, Noel Csomay-Shanklin, Aaron Young, “Robust Automated Gap-Filling for marker-Based Biomechanical Motion Capture Data,” Biomedical Engineering Society Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2019.
Trent Renkin, Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Lee Childers, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Machine learning strategies for automatically determining ground slope and walking speed for individuals with amputation using a robotic knee/ankle prosthesis,” Military Health System Research Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2019.
Ben Shafer, Pawel Golyski, Gregory Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Hip Exoskeleton Emulator to Explore Spring-Like Assistance Strategies During Walking,” International Society of Biomechanics, Calgary, CA, 2019.
Dean Molinaro, Aaron Young, “Biomechanical Investigation of Dynamic Materials Handling Tasks Using OpenSim and an EMG-Assisted Solver,” International Society of Biomechanics, Calgary, CA, 2019.
Hao Zheng, Tao Shen, Md Rayhan Afsar, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, Xiangrong Shen, “A Semi-Wearable Robotic Device for Sit-to-Stand Assistance,” IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Ontario, CA, 2019.
Inseung Kang, Pratik Kunapuli, Hsiang Hsu, Aaron Young, “Electromyography (EMG) Signal Contributions in Speed and Slope Estimation Using Robotic Exoskeletons,” IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Ontario, CA, 2019.
Ana Groff, Stella Thai, Inseung Kang, Jeff Hsu, Aaron Young, “Control Strategies of a Powered Assist Hip Exoskeleton in Subjects with Stroke,” 45th Meeting of the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists, Orlando, FL, 2019.
Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Maximillian Spencer, Brian White, Noah Cho, Kinsey Herrin, Lee Childers, Aaron Young, “Effect of Experimental Powered Prosthesis on Hip Kinetics: A single Case Pilot Study,” 45th Meeting of the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists, Orlando, FL, 2019.
Claire Kilpatrick, Summer Lee, Inseung Kang, Hsiang Hsu, Lee Childers, Aaron Young, “The Impact of Hip Exoskeleton User Interface on User Comfort and Metabolic Cost: A Pilot Study,” 45th Meeting of the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists, Orlando, FL, 2019.
Pratik Kunapuli, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, “’Neural Network Based Estimation of Gait Phase in a Powered Hip Exoskeleton,” Biomedical Engineering Society Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Will Flanagan, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Aaron Young, “The Value of EMG for Estimating Continuous Locomotion Parameters During Human Ambulation,” Biomedical Engineering Society Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Eun Chan Kwak, Dawit Lee, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, “The Effect of Powered Assistance on Uphill Human Walking Using a Robotic Knee Exoskeleton,” Biomedical Engineering Society Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Hsiang Hsu, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, “Design and Evaluation of a Proportional Myoelectric Controller for Hip Exoskeleton during Normal Walking,” ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Jonathan Camargo-Leyva, Krishan Bhakta, Aaron Young, “Stochastic Optimization of Impedance Parameters for a Powered Prosthesis Using a 3D Simulation Environment,” ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Inseung Kang, Hsiang Hsu, Aaron Young, “Design and Validation of a Torque Controllable Hip Exoskeleton for Walking Assistance,” ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo-Leyva, Aaron Young, “Control and Experimental Validation of a Powered Knee and Ankle Prosthetic Device,” ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Jonathan Camargo-Leyva, Aaron Young, “Muscle synergies in simultaneous movement of upper limb,” International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Honolulu, HI, 2018.
Jonathan Camargo-Leyva, Noel Csomay-Shanklin, Bharat Kanwar, Aaron Young, “Continuous Walking Speed Estimation using Neural Networks and Multi-Sensor Data Fusion,” International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Honolulu, HI, 2018.
Aaron Young, Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo-Leyva, Lee Childers, “Powered knee/ankle prostheses for improving walking capabilities in individuals with transfemoral amputation,” Military Health System Research Symposium, Kissimmee, FL, 2018.
Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo-Leyva, Aaron Young, “Sensor Fusion for Continuous Walking Speed Estimation on Powered Prostheses,” Dynamic Walking, Pensacola, FL, 2018.
Inseung Kang, Hsiang Hsu, Aaron Young, “Effect of Hip Torque Assistance Levels on Human Metabolic Cost,” Dynamic Walking, Pensacola, FL, 2018.
Claire Kilpatrick, Summer Lee, Inseung Kang, Jeff Hsu, Lee Childers, Aaron Young, “Investigating the Impact of Hip Exoskeleton User Interface on User Comfort and Metabolic Cost,” 44th Meeting of the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists. New Orleans, LA, 2018. (**Best Poster Award**)
Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Aaron Young, “Combined Strategy of Machine Vision with a Robotic Assistant for Nail Biting Prevention.” 14th International Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, Edmonton, CA, 2017.
Aaron Young, Jessica Foss, Hannah Gannon, Daniel Ferris, “Changes in Human Metabolics Based on Assistance Timing with a Powered Hip Exoskeleton.” 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biomechanics, Raleigh, NC, 2016.