Journal Papers
Hanjun Kim, Dawit Lee, Jairo Y. Maldonado-Contreras, Sixu Zhou, Kinsey R. Herrin, Aaron J. Young, “Mode-Unified Intent Estimation of a Robotic Prosthesis Using Deep-Learning,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 3206-3213, April 2025, (DOI)
Dongho Park, Jimin An, Dawit Lee, Inseung Kang, Aaron J. Young, “Human-in-the-loop Optimization of Hip Exoskeleton Assistance During Stair Climbing,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 30 Jan 2025, pp.1-10. (DOI)
Krishan Bhakta, Jairo Maldonado-Contreras, Jonathan Camargo, Sixu Zhou, William Compton, Kinsey R. Herrin, Aaron J. Young, “Continuous-Context, User-Independent, Real-Time Intent Recognition for Powered Lower-Limb Prostheses,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Volume 147, Issue 2 (2025) pp. 021009. (DOI)
Keya Ghonasgi, Kyle J. Kaveny, David Langlois, Leifur D. Sigurðarson, Tim A. Swift, Jason Wheeler, Aaron J. Young, “The case against machine vision for the control of wearable robotics: challenges for commercial adoption,” Invited Perspective article to Science Robotics, in press, 2025.
Carlos Carrasquillo, Aakash Bajpai, Divya Iyengar, Killian Collins, Ani Mazumdar, Aaron Young, “Enhancing Human Navigation Ability Using Active Wearable Exoskeletons,” IEEE Transactions on Haptics, in press, 2025
Kinsey Herrin, Yi-Tsen (Amy) Pan, Trisha Kesar, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Robotic Ankle Exoskeleton and Limb Angle Biofeedback for Assisting Stroke Gait: A Feasibility Study,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 10, Issue 2 (2025) pp. 1011-1017 (DOI)
Jairo Maldonado-Contreras, Cole Johnson, Sixu Zhou, Hanjun Kim, Ian Knight, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Real-time Adaptation of Deep Learning Walking Speed Estimators Enables Biomimetic Assistance Modulation in an Open-Source Bionic Leg,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, in press, 2024.
Dawit Lee, Sanghuyub Lee, Aaron Young, “AI-Driven Universal Lower-Limb Exoskeleton System for Community Ambulation,” Science Advances, Volume 10, Issue 51 (2024) pp. eadq0288. (DOI)
Felicia Davenport, Jennifer Leestma, Adriana Staten, Krishan Bhakta, Joshua Fernandez, Ani Mazumdar, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “EMG-informed estimates of joint contact forces within the lower-back and knee joints during a diverse set of industry-relevant manual lifting tasks”, Journal of Applied Biomechanics, in press, 2024.
Dean D. Molinaro, Keaton L. Scherpereel, Ethan Schonhaut, Georgios Evangelopoulos, Max K. Shepherd, Aaron Young, “Task-Agnostic Exoskeleton Control via Biological Joint Moment Estimation,” Nature, Volume 635, (2024), pp. 337-344. (DOI)
Dawit Lee, Sierra Mulrine, Max Shepherd, Ben Rogozinski, David Westberry, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Mitigating Crouch Gait with an Autonomous Pediatric Knee Exoskeleton in the Neurologically Impaired,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Volume 146, Issue 12 (2024) pp. 121005. (DOI)
Sujay Kestur, Jason Zhou, Gwyn O’Sullivan, Aaron Young, Kinsey Herrin, “Comparing the Lower Limb Joint Kinematics, Kinetics and Mechanical Work of the Power Knee, C-Leg and Rheo Knee during Ramp and Stair Ambulation,” Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 171 (2024) pp. 112201. (DOI)
Keaton Scherpereel, Dean Molinaro, Max Shepherd, Omer Inan, Aaron Young, “Improving Biological Joint Moment Estimation During Real-World Tasks with EMG and Instrumented Insoles,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 71, Issue 9 (2024), pp. 2718-2727. (DOI)
Jennifer Leestma, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “A Data-Driven Approach to Estimate Human Center of Mass State During Perturbed Locomotion Using Simulated Wearable Sensors,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 52 (2024), pp 2013-2023. (DOI)
Christoph Nuesslein, Aaron Young, “A Deep Learning Framework for End-to-End Control of Powered Prostheses,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 9, Issue 5 (2024), pp. 3988-3994. (DOI)
Dean Molinaro, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, “Estimating Human Joint Moments Unifies Exoskeleton Control and Reduces User Effort”, Science Robotics, Volume 9, Issue 8, (2024), pp. eadi8852. (DOI)
Jennifer Leestma, Snehil Mathur, Maximillian Anderton, Gregory Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Dynamic duo: Design and validation of an autonomous frontal and sagittal actuating hip exoskeleton for balance modulation during perturbed locomotion,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 9, Issue 5, (2024), pp. 3995-4002. (DOI)
Jairo Maldonado-Contreras, Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo, Pratik Kunapuli, Aaron Young, “User- and Speed-Independent Slope Estimation for Lower-Extremity Wearable Robots,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 52, Issue 3 (2024), pp. 487-497. (DOI)
Christoph Nuesslein, Krishan Bhakta, Joshua Fernandez, Felicia Davenport, Jennifer Leestma, Raymond Kim, Dawit Lee, Anirban Mazumdar, Gregory Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Comparing Metabolic Cost and Muscle Activation for Knee and Back Exoskeletons in Lifting,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, Volume 6, Issue 1, (2024), pp. 224-234 (DOI)
Kinsey Herrin, Emily Upton, Aaron Young, “Towards meaningful community ambulation in individuals post stroke through use of a smart hip exoskeleton: a preliminary investigation,” Assistive Technology, Volume 36, Issue 3 (2024), pp. 198-208. (DOI)
Aakash Bajpai, Carlos Carrasquillo, Jessica Carlson, Julian Park, Divya Iyengar, Aaron Young, Ani Mazumdar, “Design and Validation of a Versatile High Torque Quasidirect Drive Hip Exoskeleton,” IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume 29, Issue 1, (2024), pp. 789-797. (DOI)
Keaton Scherpereel, Dean Molinaro, Omer Inan, Max Shepherd, Aaron Young, “Human Motion During Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Activities: A Lower-Limb Biomechanics and Wearable Sensors Dataset,” Scientific Data, Volume 10, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 924. (DOI)
Dawit Lee, Max Shepherd, Sierra Mulrine, Julianne Schneider, Kelly Moore, Erin Eggebrecht, Benjamin Rogozinski, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Reducing Knee Hyperextension with an Exoskeleton in Children and Adolescents with Genu Recurvatum,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 70, Issue 12, (2023), pp. 3312-3320. (DOI)
Rachel Gehlhar, Maegan Tucker, Aaron Young, Aaron Ames, “A Review of Current State-of-the-Art Control Methods for Lower-Limb Powered Prostheses,” Annual Reviews in Control, Volume 55, (2023), pp. 142-164. (DOI)
Jennifer Leestma, Pawel Golyski, Courtney Smith, Gregory Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Linking whole-body angular momentum and step placement during perturbed walking,” Journal of Experimental Biology, Volume 226, Issue 6, (2023), pp. jeb244760. (DOI)
Brett Johnson, Lee Childers, Aaron Young, Stephen Goldman, Johnathan Wilson, Joseph Alderete, “Exoskeletal solutions to enable mobility after extremity trauma in austere environments,” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Volume 4, (2023), pp. e5. (DOI)
Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Krishan Bhakta, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Biomechanical Evaluation of Stair Ambulation Using Impedance Control on an Active Prosthesis,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Volume 145, Issue 2, (2023), pp. 021007. (DOI)
Amy Pan, Inseung Kang, James Joh, Patrick Kim, Kinsey Herrin, Trisha Kesar, Gregory Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Effects of Bilateral Assistance for Hemiparetic Gait Post-Stroke Using a Powered Hip Exoskeleton,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 51, Issue 2, (2023), p. 410-421. (DOI)
Ben Shafer, Justine Powell, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “Emulator-based Optimization of Semi-active Hip Exoskeleton Impedance Control Across Walking Speeds,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 70, Issue 1 (2023) pp.271-282. (DOI)
Inseung Kang, Reese Peterson, Kinsey Herrin, Ani Mazumdar, Aaron Young, “Design and Validation of a Torque-Controllable Series Elastic Actuator-Based Hip Exoskeleton for Dynamic Locomotion,” ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Volume 15, Issue 2, (2022), pp. 021007. (DOI)
Inseung Kang, Dean Molinaro, Gayeon Choi, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Aaron Young, “Subject-Independent Continuous Locomotion Mode Classification for Robotic Hip Exoskeleton Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 69, Issue 10, (2022), pp. 3234-3242. (DOI)
Bailey McLain, Dawit Lee, Sierra Mulrine, Aaron Young, “Effect of assistance using a bilateral robotic knee exoskeleton on the tibiofemoral contact force during incline walking using a neuromuscular model,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 50 (2022), pp. 716-727. (DOI)
Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Dean Molinaro, Aaron Young, “Predicting biological joint moment during multiple ambulation tasks,” Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 134 (2022), pp. 111020. (DOI)
Max Shepherd, Dean Molinaro, Greg Sawicki, Aaron Young, “Deep Learning Enables Exoboot Control to Augment Variable-Speed Walking,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 7, Issue 2, (2022), pp. 3571 – 3577. (DOI)
Dean Molinaro, Inseung Kang, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Matthew Gombolay, Aaron Young, “Subject-Independent, Biological Hip Moment Estimation during Multimodal Overground Ambulation using Deep Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, Volume 4, Issue 1, (2022), pp. 219 – 229. (DOI)
Hyeon Ki Jeong, Sungtae An, Kinsey Herrin, Keaton Scherpereel, Aaron Young, Omer Inan, “Quantifying Asymmetry between Medial and Lateral Compartment Knee Loading Forces using Acoustic Emissions,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 69, Issue 4 (2022), pp. 1541-1551. (DOI)
Jared Li, Dean Molinaro, Andrew King, Anirban Mazumdar, Aaron Young, “Design and Validation of a Cable-Driven Asymmetric Back Exosuit,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Volume 38, Issue 3, (2022), pp. 1489-1502. (DOI)
Pooja Moolchandani, Anirban Mazumdar, Aaron Young, “Design of an Intent Recognition System for Dynamic, Rapid Motions in Unstructured Environments,” ASME Letters for Dynamic Systems and Control, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022), pp. 011004. (DOI)
Dawit Lee, Bailey McLain, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, “Biomechanical Comparison of Assistance Strategies Using a Bilateral Robotic Knee Exoskeleton,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 68, Issue 9 (2021), pp. 2870-2879. (DOI)
Aakash Bajpai, Karen Feigh, Anirban Mazumdar, Aaron Young, “Influencing Human Escape Maneuvers with Perceptual Cues in the Presence of a Visual Task,” IEEE Transactions in Human Machine Systems, Volume 51, Issue 6 (2021) pp. 715-724. (DOI)
Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Will Flanagan, Noel Csomay-Shanklin, Bharat Kanwar, Aaron Young, “A New Machine Learning Strategy for Locomotion Classification and Parameter Estimation using Fusion of Wearable Sensors,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 68, Issue 5 (2021) pp. 1569-1578. (DOI)
Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, William Compton, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Continuous Walking Speed Determination for Individuals with Transfemoral Amputation using a Powered Prosthetic Device,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 68, Issue 3 (2021) pp. 4820-4826. (DOI)
Ben Shafer, Sasha Philius, Richard Nuckols, James McCall, Aaron Young, Greg Sawicki, “Neuromechanics and energetics of walking with an ankle exoskeleton using neuromuscular-model based control: a parameter study,” Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Volume 9 (2021). (DOI)
Dawit Lee, Inseung Kang, Dean D. Molinaro, Alexander Yu, Aaron Young, “Real-Time User-Independent Slope Prediction using Deep Learning for Modulation of Robotic Knee Exoskeleton Assistance,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 6, Issue 2 (2021) pp. 3995-4000. (DOI)
Inseung Kang, Dean Molinaro, Srijan Duggal, Yanrong Chen, Pratik Kunapuli, Aaron Young, “Real-time gait phase estimation for robotic hip exoskeleton control during multimodal locomotion,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 6, Issue 2 (2021) pp. 3491-3497. (DOI)
Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Aditya Ramanathan, Will Flanagan, Aaron Young, “A comprehensive, open-source dataset of lower limb biomechanics in multiple conditions of stairs, ramps, and level-ground ambulation and transitions,” Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 119, Issue 15 (2021). (DOI)
Mobashir Shandhi, William Bartlett, Alex Heller, Mozziyar Etemadi, Aaron Young, Thomas Plotz, Omer Inan, “Estimation of Instantaneous Oxygen Uptake during Exercise and Daily Activities using a Wearable Cardio-Electromechanical and Environmental Sensor,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Volume 25, Issue 3 (2021). (DOI)
Keaton Scherpereel, Nicholas Bolus, Hyeon Jeong, Omer Inan, Aaron Young, “Estimating Knee Joint Load Using Acoustic Emissions During Ambulation,” Annals of Biomechanical Engineering, Volume 49 (2021) pp. 1000-1011. (DOI)
Jonathan Camargo, Aditya Ramanathan, Aaron Young, “Automated Gap-Filling for Marker-Based Biomechanical Motion Capture Data,” Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Volume 23, Issue 15 (2020) pp. 1180-1189. (DOI) (Code)
Nick Bolus, Hyeon Ki Jeong, Bradley Blaho, Mohsen Safaei, Aaron Young, Omer Inan, “Fit to Burst: Noninvasive estimation of Achilles tendon load using burst vibrations,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 68, Issue 2 (2021) pp. 470-481. (DOI)
Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Luke Donovan, Kinsey Herrin, Aaron Young, “Machine Learning Model Comparisons of User Independent & Dependent Intent Recognition Systems for Powered Prostheses,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 5, Issue 4, (2020) pp. 5393-5400. (DOI)
Dean Molinaro, Andrew King, Aaron Young, “Biomechanical Analysis of Common Solid Waste Collection Techniques Using OpenSim and an EMG-Assisted Solver,” Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 104, Issue 7 (2020) 109704. (DOI)
Dawit Lee, Eun Chan Kwak, Inseung Kang, Bailey McLain, Aaron Young, “Effects of Assistance during Early Stance Phase Using a Robotic Knee Orthosis on Energetics, Muscle Activity and Joint Mechanics during Incline and Decline Walking,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Volume 28, Issue 4 (2020) pp. 914-923. (DOI)
Greg Sawicki, Owen Beck, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, “The Exoskeleton Expansion: Improving walking and running economy,” Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, Volume 17, Issue 1 (2020) pp. 1-9. (DOI)
Aakash Bajpai, Justine Powell, Aaron Young, Ani Mazumdar, “Enhancing Physical Human Evasion of Moving Threats Using Tactile Cues,” IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Volume 13, Issue 1 (2020) pp. 32-37. (DOI) (Video)
Inseung Kang, Pratik Kunapuli, Aaron Young, “Real-Time Neural Network-Based Gait Phase Estimation using a Robotic Hip Exoskeleton,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics & Bionics, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2020) pp. 28-37. (DOI)
Summer Lee, Claire Kilpatrick, Inseung Kang, Jeff Hsu, Lee Childers, Aaron Young, “Investigating the impact of the user interface for a powered hip orthosis on metabolic cost and user comfort: a preliminary study,” International Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, in press, 2019. (DOI)
Krishan Bhakta, Jonathan Camargo, Pratik Kunapuli, Lee Childers, Aaron Young, “Impedance control strategies for enhancing sloped and level walking capabilities for individuals with transfemoral amputation using a powered prosthesis,” MHSRS Supplement to Military Medicine Update, Volume 185, Issue Supplement 1, (2020), pp. 490-499. (DOI)
Jonathan Camargo Leyva, Aaron Young, “Feature selection and non-linear classifiers: effects on simultaneous motion recognition in upper limb,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Volume 27, Issue 4 (2019) pp. 743-750. (DOI)
Dan Ferris, Bryan Schlink, Aaron Young, “Robotics – Exoskeletons.” In R. Narayan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 2, pp. 645-651 (2019).
Inseung Kang, Hsiang Hsu, Aaron Young, “The effect of hip assistance levels on human energetic cost using robotic hip exoskeletons,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 4, Issue 2 (2019) pp. 430-437. (DOI)
Aaron Young, Hannah Gannon, Daniel Ferris, “A Biomechanical Comparison of Proportional EMG Control to Biological Torque Control Using a Powered Hip Exoskeleton,” Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Volume 5, Issue 37 (2017) pp. 1-17. (DOI)
Aaron Young, Jessica Foss, Hannah Gannon, Daniel Ferris, “Influence of Power Delivery Timing on the Energetics and Biomechanics of Humans Wearing a Hip Exoskeleton,” Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Volume 5, Issue 4 (2017) pp. 1-11. (DOI)
Annie Simon, Kimberly Ingraham, John Spanias, Aaron Young, Levi Hargrove, “Delaying ambulation mode transition decisions improves accuracy of a flexible control system for powered knee-ankle prosthesis,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Volume 25, Issue 8 (2017) pp. 1164-1171. (DOI)
Aaron Young, Daniel Ferris, “State-of-the-art and Future Directions for Robotic Lower Limb Exoskeletons,” IEEE Transaction on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering – Special issue on Wearable Robotics for Motion Assistance and Rehabilitation, Volume 25, Issue 2 (2017) pp. 171-182. (DOI)