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Pediatric Knee EXOSKELETON

The primary aim of the project is to help assist the children with limited mobility mainly caused by the knee joint in walking with the help of powered assistance. The specific targeted groups are the children who present hyper-extended or excessively flexed knee during walking. He is hoping that the understanding of the interaction between an exoskeleton device and the targeted users through this research help exoskeleton technology become and promote an effective robotic rehabilitation for children in their growth in the future.

Lab members:

Siddharth Nathella
Taryn Harvey
Dr. Keya Ghonasgi
Kinesy Herrin, M.S.P.O


Dr. Geza Kogler
Dr. Benjamin Rogozinski
Dr. Erin Eggebrecht

Related work:

Dawit Lee, Inseung Kang, Dean D. Molinaro, Alexander Yu, Aaron Young, “Real-Time User-Independent Slope Prediction using Deep Learning for Modulation of Robotic Knee Exoskeleton Assistance,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, accepted, February 2021. (DOI)

Dawit Lee, Eun Chan Kwak, Inseung Kang, Bailey McLain, Aaron Young, “Effects of Assistance during Early Stance Phase Using a Robotic Knee Orthosis on Energetics, Muscle Activity and Joint Mechanics during Incline and Decline Walking,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Volume 28, Issue 4 (2020) pp. 914-923. (DOI)

Dawit Lee, Bailey McLain, Inseung Kang, Aaron Young, “Biomechanical Comparison of Assistance Strategies Using a Bilateral Robotic Knee Exoskeleton,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 68, Issue 9 (2021), pp. 2870-2879. (DOI)