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Estimating human joint moments unifies exoskeleton control, reducing user effort

Published in Science Robotics, this dataset consists of sensor data from a robotic hip exoskeleton and time-synced with ground-truth human lower-limb biomechanics. All data were sampled at 200 Hz.

  • 34 subjects, 9 ambulation modes (e.g. level ground, ramp ascent/descent, stair ascent/decent, standing), 3 controllers (e.g. gait phase-based control based on biological torque, unified joint moment controller)
  • Angles and Moments computed from Inverse Kinematics
    • Processed sagittal plane hip, knee, and ankle angles
    • Processed hip and knee extension moments
    • Processed ankle plantarflexion moments
  • Exoskeleton Sensor Data
    • Actuators position and velocities from encoder
    • Acceleration and gyroscope from IMUs
    • Hip moment estimated by TCN
    • Torque commanded to actuators
    • Torque from the actuators (calculated by multiplying measured current by motor torque constant and gear ratio)
  • Gait Phase
    • Gait phase for each leg segmented by toe-off
    • Gait phase for each leg segmented by heel strike
  • Ground Reaction Forces
    • Ground Reaction forces for each foot in 3 directions
    • Center of Pressure for each foot in 3 directions